Below is a list of all my releases, solo and collaborations.
Click on any cover to see an enlargement. Click on any title to see all details.
Most products are available from Groove Unlimited.
My solo CD's can also be bought from cdbaby.
Kees Aerts - If One Door Closes (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-156, October 2008
My second solo cd. A collection of new and old, previously (un)released tracks.
Kees Aerts - If One Door Closes (MP3 download, 256Kb)
Groove Unlimited, gr6001, October 2008
Contains an alternate version of "The Sun Shines, The World Smiles", and a live version of "Surfacing from Beyond".
Kees Aerts - Slices of Time (CD)
Groove Unlimited, gr-001, September 1997
First solo cd.
- Slices of Time [1:04]
- Waiting for Curtain [1:50]
- Eire [4:04]
- Balance [8:17]
- Darkness [9:13]
- The first Time [6:28]
- Travel [9:28]
- Lovers (Cooldown mix) [1:50]
- Other Worlds [7:00]
- Friends [9:45]
- Slices of Time (Reprise) [2:50]
Click on any Title to listen to an MP3 soundclip.
My first solo CD. Originally released in 1997. Remastered and re-released in 2002.
On the back of the 1997 cover the titles of "Lovers" and "Other Worlds" are exchanged.
Photo shoot for cover
Behind mixing desk
Original cover painting

Als je de titel van dit album letterlijk zou vertalen zou je zoiets krijgen als plakjes van tijd. Dit op de hoes ook mooi aangegeven door een zaag die een zandloper in stukjes zaagt. En dan Kees Aerts zelf, hij is geboren in 1952 en in 1982 begon hij met het ontdekken van de synthesizer. Zijn voorbeelden zijn Patrick O' Hearn, Jean Michael Jarre en Tangerine Dream.
Het album begint in een sfeer die wat aan Zoolook van Jarre doet denken. Er is een stem te horen die een paar keer "Slices of Time" zegt. Doordat de eerste twee tracks zo kort zijn is er geen sprake van een mooi opbouw. "Eire" doet me inderdaad aan Ierland denken. Het is een eenvoudig volks deuntje. Daarnaast zit er een vrolijk verhaal in. "Balance" begint vrij ingetogen en zodra de kraan verder opengaat volgt een goed stuk muziek waarop ik bijna begin te zweven. Mooi uitgelijnde tonen die me aan vrijheid doen denken. Gedurende het stuk weet Aerts me goed bij de les te houden. "Darkness" begint zoals de titel al aangeeft donker. Voor mijn gevoel loop ik door een straat waar de regen net is gevallen en er iets spannends op het programma staat. Het doet daardoor denken aan soundtrack muziek. Aan het eind wordt de sfeer minder spannend waarmee het lijkt of het gevaar is geweken. De ochtend breekt aan.
"The First Time" begint wat zoekend, maar eenmaal opgang volgt er een mooi verhaal waardoor ik het idee krijg of Aerts me een mooi verhaal heeft te vertellen. "Travel" begint met een ritme wat me doet denken of een luchthaven langzaam vol stroomt. Eenmaal opgang volgt iets wat aan vakantie doet denken. De zorgen aan de kant en genieten van wat komen gaat. Heerlijk zorgeloos dus. Even is daar de spanning van het onbekende, maar het is vooral een tijd van gooi de stress er lekker uit. "Other Worlds" geeft me een gevoel of ik een soort draaimolen zit en van alles voorbij komt. Fraaie landschappen en bijzondere dieren.
"Lovers (Cooldown mix)" begint met het geluid wat iedere eerste maandag van de maand is te horen. Hierna volgt iets wat me qua tempo aan wandelen doet denken. Om me heen gebeurt van alles van rust tot een leeuw die er vol voor gaat om zijn prooi te bemachtigen. Hierna is er opnieuw rust en is het volop genieten geblazen. In een statige sfeer begint "Friends" hierdoor krijg ik het idee of een bruidspaar de kerk binnen gaat om het ja woord tegen elkaar te zeggen. Als de mis vordert wordt de sfeer eerst wat melancholisch waarna de feestvreugde kan uitbreken. En dan is daar de reprise van "Slices of Time" die me doet beseffen dat tijd niets anders is dan de herhaling der dingen.
Verder kom ik tot de conclusie dat dit een heel behoorlijk album is met electronische muziek van Hollandsche bodem Het dikke uur is voorbij gevlogen voordat ik er erg in had. Bij de volgende boterham die ik met smaak eet denk ik even terug aan dit bijzondere album. "Slices of Time" dus.
2012. Gerards Dream

Kees Aerts is a great musician and I don't know why there are not more CD's of this performer, his music is different from Ron Boots. "Slices of Time" has many styles and I love this, the sequencer isn't my favorite instrument but here it sounds good. This CD is an must have and in a collection of electronic music highly recommended.
2010. Marco Smit

"Slices of Time" is the very first album to appear on Groove label. It’s also a sublime album lost in this immense labyrinth that is EM world. Initially realized in 1997, "Slices of Time" became ceased and, quietly, forgotten in the constant emergence of novelties. Certainly, it is not the only album suspended and lost in the time. It’s the story of music, and maybe life; magnificent pearls are ignored in a pond too full of sound jewels which furnish warmly our ears. Reedited and remastered in 2002, I was lucky to discover this small jewel of a very versatile EM which is inspiring by Jean Michel Jarre's first works and by a rhythmic structure near Space Art’s one.
"Slices of Time" and "Waiting for Curtain" open with an ambient approach where a vocoder exploits a soporific feminine voice and sound samplings that bring us near a soft madness on twisted synths near a dramatic approach. A set-up that settles us feet in the sand and surrounded by gulls, while making the link with the amazing "Eire".
"Eire", poetic name for Ireland, is a nice track where we can easily affirm that Kees Aerts has the sense of rhythm and melody. A supple cadence which couples to cackling percussions, of which uncountable metallic clicking are twin to loud circulars resonances and to analog sound effects, which accompany a stately fluty synth. A flute in the sound harmonies of the Irish legends and which borrows the breaths of a bagpipe flanked by drum roll that’s shapes a magnificent Ireland solemn march. A very beautiful title, hyper melodious, which is between Jarre and Oldfield approach.
Metallic hoops that get tangled up in an effect of crossed undulation open "Balance". A heterogeneous intro where a multitude of analog sound effects feed an uncertain rhythm sustains by magnificent hybrid sequences and a soft synth to syncopated hoops. Per moments, the rhythm gets lighter and strikes a pace supported by good percussions. A pace with random surges where the steams of an oniric cosmos, filled of analog FX, plunge us into Jean Michel Jarre's universe (Magnetic Fields), with a magnificent mellotron synth that shapes a warm orchestration. A magnificent title as it proliferates throughout this Kees Aerts 1st opus.
A slow intro to colorful tones opens "Darkness". Reverberating wave’s sounds auscultate a somber firmament where "tschitt tschitt" cymbals and heavy drum striking introduce a musical clarification. A sound clearing became harmonious with a soft mellotron synth, coupled to another synth of which chords pound in a warm musicality, which makes the strength of "Slices of Time", to slinky, waltzing and daydreamer’s orchestrations.
Fine percussions to frivolous smacking on a soft wave-like line of bass, "The First Time" is deploying with a synth to spiraled growth and dramatic strata on a sequential movement sometimes steady, sometimes nuanced, by a celestial passage. The originality of the title rests on its finale where a human voice hums the synthesized tune with a nonchalance that we guess by the sound approach of the mysterious character.
"Travel" stirs on a nervous sequence, wrapped with a beautiful orchestral arrangement, before laying a wonderful synthesized melody which sticks in ears, as on "Eire". A very beautiful music piece which develops a more intense livened up structure with good percussions and a mellotron with strings as fascinating as mesmerizing, which dances and breathes a melody of the happiness.
After a cosmic intro in the fragrances of Space Art years, "The Other World" deflects on a slow rhythm of which symphonic synths blow a Vangelis dramatic approach. The line of bass is splendid and hypnotic, reminding the good Space Rock of the 70’s. Another very good track which takes a further fervent tangent in middle-route with a more nervous structure, but always gathered in by the same melodious approach, before returning on its cadence of origin.
"Friends" encloses this first effort of Groove co-founder of with a very effective melodious approach. A hopping sequence appears from a cosmic intro to introduce a soft tempo flavored of a pleasant mellotron synth and of a fine line of bass. Slowly, percussions lead a smooth tempo soaked with a Ron Boots’ magnificent synth solo; musical signal which livens up "Friends" of a more rock structure with good electronic percussions and a guitar to chiseled and striking solos which become entangled harmoniously with a synth to spectral breaths. A great track that precedes a reprise of "Slices of Time", which exploits a more dramatic ending.
"Slices of Time" is simply superb. An album without faults where harmonies, sometimes more accessible and other times more complex, overlap cadences on sequences and rhythmic as much lively as fascinating. A proof that EM can be very approachable, without falling in the ease or the excessive commerciality. We find magnificent tracks in there which hook as much the hearing as the soul with a poetic tenderness to melt lead. A very beautiful album and it is just too bad that Kees Aerts isn’t more prolific, because his talent to mold harmonies is more than undeniable.
2010. Sylvain Lupari, Guts Of Darkness
There is also a French version of this review on the Guts of Darkness website.

This CD follows in the tradition of Patrick O'Hearn, Jean Michael Jarre, and Tangerine Dream ("Hyperboria", "Melrose"). Although the influences are apparent Kees has it's own style that is sure to intrigue any electronic music fan. This atmosphere is mostly catchy sequencer rhythms and symphonic deep space. The music ranges from electronic pulse and melodies (in the vein of O'Hearns "Rivers Gonna Rise" and "Eldorado") to rhythmic space and ambience. Never gets trancey or dancey nor does it go to far into minimalism. It is just right.
2005. ZeitMaster

"Slices of Time" is notable for being the first ever release of the Groove Unlimited label.
The title track opens the album with atmospheric synth background and female voice. Dramatic string sounds are dominating the picture, all tied by stiff electronic effects and some samples. "Waiting for Curtain" continues in that direction and ends with the sound of waves. "Eire" introduces gentle rhythms in mid-pace mode so typical of this work. The fluently leads sound pretty New Agey and overall the track fails to impress me. It's all too comfortable, too sweet for my taste. The track again ends with the sound of waves and next on show is "Balance" - a lengthy number with relaxed rhythms, nice pads and subtle sequences. Not exactly ground breaking, but fine. Note the excellently executed synth fx.
With the title "Darkness" I expect something mysterious and perhaps minor key based. And, yes, the track does start in a haunting mode - all we get for a while is a sonic field sparsely populated by sounds that fly like ghosts over a barren land. After the 2 minute mark rhythms are introduced and unfortunately the track becomes brighter and more cheerful - major harmonies are dominating the picture and the sequences are so optimistic, this should have been called "Brightness". Ok, not a bad track of course, just doesn't exactly live up to its title.
"The First Time" is more upbeat and more successful overall - great melody, this time with a somewhat urgent, dramatic character, in contrast to the positive sounding major-key sensibility that was more or less obvious up to this moment. Along with the title track, this is the best cut on the entire album. What I like most is how the sounds fade away at the end leaving us with a voice, humming the track's main melody and the sounds of feet walking around the room. Nicely done!
"Travel" immediately introduces bass sequences and propel us forward at a neat pace. The pads soon join the flow and it all ends up being a relaxed and comfortable number, with enough variation and key changes to keep interest throughout. Some lead synth work is the highlight. At around the 4:50 mark there's a nice brief atmospheric section before it all returns to sequencing / pad / strings / e-perc formula.
"Lovers" is next which serves as a brief prelude to "Other Worlds". Nice sequencing and effects are an asset of the latter, as well as the track's urgency - must be great for in the car. "Friends" contains contributions by three fellow artists - Ron Boots on synthesizer, James J. Clent on guitar and Harold van der Heijden on electronic drums. All of them did an admirable job of adding some color to Kees' composition which is one of the highlights of the entire disc. Ron's synth solo is very good, the guitar playing by James is pretty neat too, and the fact that Harold broke his arm shortly before the recording of "Friends" and eventually had to play with one hand only (his playing was recorded in two takes) proves what an expert drummer he is. The album closes with a reprise of the title track that features nice use of samples.
2005. Artemi Pugachov, Encyclopedia of Electronic Music

Majestic album of synth layers, melodies and rhythms with loads of great tunes, plenty of development and variety and definitely one for those of you who like it on the melodic side with all those sweeping string synth cords, and flowing layers above dynamic rhythm base that you know and love.
2004. Andy G.

I have no earthly idea why the man has not released any more work. The album is so enjoyable to listen to. To be around electronic music as he is and to play it and to be around another master as far as I concerned, Ron Boots you would think an inspiration would come to mind to release another "SOT". I can only hope.
2004. Bobby Wright

Just to tell you that after listening your cd "Slices of Time" I liked it a lot, is really good. Thanks for this one.
2002. Alvaro Castillo, Mexico

Hailing from Holland, Kees Aerts music goes for slower beats and a more ambient, dreamy feel to the music. Most of the tracks on "Slices Of Time" tend to sequence into the next one, so the album is more like a symphonic poem in several sections. "Balance" is one of the best tracks, its beats gently insistent as it propels the hummable melody along. "Friends", the only track where Aerts is joined by other musicians is one of those slow burners that build in intensity as it flows along. This is gentle stuff, an album for winding down after a stressful day, rather than gearing up for clubbing.
2000. Musicwatch

Kees Aerts, co-owner of Groove Unlimited, has been in the music business forever. He has contributed his formidable talents to Groove's "Truth" series, a collaborative serial based loosely on "The X-Files" television series. "Slices of Time" is his first solo album. It is a set of musical moods and vignettes. Each vignette has its own mood. Kees is an excellent sound designer. The soundscapes create a wave of ambience worthy of Europe's best. The sequences are lush. The drama is high. The bravado is full. The only question is: "Why did Kees wait so long to record this?"
1999. Jim Brenholts

As one of the main men behind Dutch synth label Groove Unlimited, Kees Aerts has quite a reputation to keep up, and luckily this new CD doesn't let him down either in terms of production or of musical innovation.
The title track opens with a great, vocoded chant reminiscent of Robert Schroeder's opening to "Paradise", but we're soon off into heavy analog territory with the swirling strings of "Waiting For Curtain". That's a transitional piece though, and "Eire" which it leads into is soft and lyrical, with chittering drums reminiscent of synthy band Peru underpinning flowing whistles and flutes. "Balance" is stronger meat, opening with twisting synthy sounds and leading into a long, Oxygene-like track full of trilling sequencers. "Darkness" opens in ambient mood, strange digital synth sounds much to the fore, and developing again to a mid-paced analog sequencer workout.
"The First Time" has a stronger melody and chittering chords over strong drum patterns, sometimes reminiscent of Chris Franke's "London Concert", while "Travel" goes back into Peru territory with slow, lyrical synth leads over wandering analog sequences. "Lovers" is a short, string-led transition, while "Other Worlds" is a much more substantil piece, picturing Earth as a dot in the galaxy and plastered with spacey sounds, driving drums and off-beat synth rhythms.
The last major track "Friends" features Ron Boots on synth and Harold van der Heijden on drums - it's a melodic, slowly-building and lyrical piece, which leads into a reprise of "Slices of Time", building on the harmoniser-multiplied vocal chants, sampling and layering them together into an atmospheric climax.
Overall this is a pretty exemplary synth album - well-produced, plenty of informative sleeve notes, varied musical ideas, and a nice balance between the use of concept tracks and a sense of complete musical freedom. Almost certainly set to be a big success among synth music fans.
Rating: **** Four Stars - an excellent album of its kind.
1999. E-Mix

Il s'agit ici (à ma connaissance) du premier album de Kees Aerts. La musique de "Slices of Time" se situe dans une veine Berlin school très "ouverte", elle est très facile d'accès et souvent proche de celle de ses compatriotes, Boots ou van der Heijden. C'est paradoxal puisqu'il est Hollandais (donc d'un pays assez froid) mais cet album a un côté presque ensoleillé et léger. On y trouve des séquences, des belles nappes de synthés, des mélodies bien évidentes et une très grande accessibilité. Pas question ici d'espaces interstellaires ou d'introspections profondes car Kees puise plutôt son inspiration dans des questions existentielles comme "qui sommes-nous, d'où venons-nous, où allons-nous ?" ou "pourquoi la guerre en Irlande ?". Le courant hollandais est bien là et vivant et se distingue dorénavant de son grand frère allemand. À vous de juger si cette différence vaut la peine que l'on s'y arrête.
1999. Crystal Lake

Debut CD with smashing cover-art of a Dutch amateur musician presenting some highly accessible melodic music combined with elegant soundscapes and sequencerlines. The whole musical approach isn't too complicated and listening to this music makes you feel at ease.
1998. Bert Strolenberg

Kees Aerts has appeared on the three collections that were inspired by the X-Files, the latest being "Truth or Dare". On his own for the first time, his "Slices of Time" employs clever use of sampled voices and percussive effects combined with layered keyboards to produce an impressive release that encompasses many electronic music styles, ranging from Dwane to Code Indigo, Roach to Serrie, Schulze to Jarre, with unique touches throughout. Space drift gives way to sequencer riffs, wavestation sounds and crashing punctuation. Not short on drama, nor lacking in potency, Aerts also uses excellent transitions to bridge the passages & connect the pieces into a flowing whole, much like Robert Fox. Highest recommendation!
1997. Backroads
Boots, Aerts, v.d. Heijden - Livelines (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-066, March 2002
Live in Essen, Germany on Jan 26 2002. With Ron Boots and Harold van der Heijden.
Contains 45 minutes of new and 20+ minutes of old/reworked material.
Boots, Aerts, v.d. Heijden - Joie de Vivre (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-026, April 1999
More live material. The first 3 songs (about 45 minutes) are from the Cologne performance.
Boots, Aerts, v.d. Heijden - E-Live '98 (CD-Single)
Groove Unlimited , gr-019, October 1998
Contains two new songs: "Valö by Night [8:21]" and "After the Stripper [9:34]".
Boots, Aerts, v.d. Heijden - BAH! Live in Sweden (CD-R)
Groove Unlimited , gr2010, July 1998
Live concert with Ron Boots and Harold van der Heijden on the island Valö in Sweden, on June 1 1998.
EEKA - Soms Ben Je Alleen (Cassette)
Private Release, 81520, October 1984
This cassette is never officially released. Just before the already copied cassettes were about to be released, Kees and Eric Vermeulen broke up and all copies were destroyed.
EEKA - Pluggen (Cassette)
Private Release, 24679, April 1984
The music on this cassette was composed and played with Eric Vermeulen and sold about 50 copies. The groupname was EEKA.
Ron Boots - Acoustic Shadows (CD)
Groove Unlimited, gr-125, August 2006
Solo CD by Ron Boots. Effect sounds on "The Unknown Soldier" by Kees Aerts.
Ron Boots - Close, But Not Touching (CD)
Groove Unlimited, gr-046, September 2000
Contains "Giants Of Once Before", a live recording with Ron Boots and Harold vd Heijden from the Summer Space Party, held on July 22, 2000 in the Gruga Park in Essen, Germany.
Various - Analogy Vol. 2 (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-136, August 2006
New solo track "Branch Hopping", composed and played on old synths, and specially made for this project.
Various - Analogy Vol. 1 (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-124, October 2005
"Grey Keys" is composed on old synths and specially made for this project.
Various - E-dition Magazine #1 (Magazine and CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr4001, January 2004
The CD came with E-dition Magazine #1 and contains my track "Undelivered Delivery". A year later I found the original track on cassette with the title "Monorail".
Various - Tracks Across The Universe (Book, CD-Rom, 3x CD-R)
Hexagon Records, 75691, March 2003
Set contains of 1 book (382 pages), 1 CD-ROM with the book and 3 CD-R's with music. My track is called "Put Me Down, Scotty" and is specially made for this project.
Various - Sequences #27 (Magazine + 2x CD)
Sequences, 61558, September 2002
UK Magazine with a 2-CD compilation. "Sequences Piece" is a unique song that Ron Boots and I composed.
Various - World Wide Kind (CD)
Ummo Discs, gr-045, October 2000
Japanese compilation with unreleased music.
It contains the track "World Wide Kind" from Ron Boots and me.
Various - E-Live 2000 (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-049, September 2000
Contains the unique song "Lively Detached" which was performed during the E-Live festival 1998 by Ron Boots, Eric and Harold v.d. Heijden and myself.
Various - Four, The Truth (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-012, March 1998
The fourth and last CD in the series of music inspired by the SF-series "The X-Files".
I can be heard with James Clent on the track 'Straight Ahead'.
Various - Truth Or Dare (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr1129, September 1997
The third CD in the series of music inspired by the SF-series "The X-Files".
I'm on three tracks:
Crossing the Road (Running Frog) [9:40] (with Airsculpture)
Surfacing from Beyond [7:40] (with James Clent)
The Silence of the Scream [8:30] (with Ron Boots)
Various - The Truth is Twisted (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr1124, September 1996
This is the second CD in the series of music inspired by the SF-series "The X-Files".
You can hear me on three tracks:
The Sensation of the Vortex [9:18] (with Ron Boots)
Asylum [7:06] (with Harold van der Heijden)
Alien Artifacts of Ice [7:00] (with Alpha Wave Movement).
Various - Out These Lies The Truth (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr1117, March 1996
This is the first CD in the series of music inspired by the SF-series "The X-Files". It contains the track "Superficial Analysis of the Unsound Mind". A 12:40 mins track I composed together with Ron Boots.
Various - Moogazyn (11/02) (Magazine + CD)
Generator, s04, November 2002
Contains "Take off" from the CD "Livelines".
Various - Schallwende #4 (Magazine + CD)
Schallwende, 2002s4, March 2002
The CD contains a unique song called "Cool Runnings" that I composed together with Ron Boots. Drums by Harold van der Heijden. Click on details to download the song for free.
Various - A Groove Selection (CD)
Groove Unlimited , gr-900, May 2000
Contains "Travel" and "Surfacing from Beyond".
Various - Schwingungen Radio Auf CD Vol. 38 (CD)
Winfrid Trenkler, s03, July 1998
Contains 3 tracks of "BAH! Live in Sweden". "Detachment of Worldly Affairs", "Among the Stars" and "Gibberish".
Various - Schwingungen Radio Auf CD Vol. 30 (CD)
Winfrid Trenkler, s02, November 1997
Contains "Travel" and "Friends" from my solo CD "Slices of Time".
Various - Schwingungen Radio Auf CD Vol. 19 (CD)
Winfrid Trenkler, s01, December 1996
Contains "Asylum" and "The Sensation of the Vortex" from "The Truth is Twisted".